Sadly, the children of Martin Luther King, Jr. have publicly clashed on several occasions over their father's estate since the death of of their mother, Coretta Scott King. I think it is always sad when families feel a need to turn to the courts to settle their differences, but sometimes it is hard for people to trust and understand each other - even if they are family.
It is surely something Martin and Coretta would be sad to see happening.
What are your thoughts and how is this related to our constitutional system? (Hint: think about the justice system.)
King Siblings Oppose Film Deal Struck By Brother | Arts & Culture | Black Power
I think that this is terrible. The son Of MLK and his siblings fighting over material objects. I can't believe that this is what our world has come to. This shows how the people have changed in America, and in a very bad way. Do you think MLK would be fighting with his one blood over this kind of thing? No. He fought for equal rights and justice, now his kin fight for cars and houses.
-Conner Spani
This dispoute is absolutely ridiculous. They are a family and they should really think in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. and how he would most likely desire to have a movie made about his struggles in justice and segregationin America. If this family goes to court, i don't know what the speilberg side can say to prove lawfully that they should make this movie because the argument is mostly based upon morals but i hope they win the case. His family is ignoring the call to share the success of their father's movement and shouldn't be fighting over stupid material possessions that don't really mean anything important.
This is so sad that a family with such strong morals, and what seems to be a strong bond can be corrupted by the slightest idea of wealth. This does not send America the best idea. Do they not see the legacy of their father in the wealth? He didn't start the movement for the idea of profit but for the people. Isn't his legacy a path that his children want to follow in? The idea of them being so caught up in their strive to grow even wealthier could leave the people of our time in a dust cloud of confusion.
Honestly I think this family is an embarassment to their fathers name and hard work. Settling their differences through court just proves that there is no trust in this families relationship. Their father fought for what was right by being an African Americna icon declaring that there be fairness and justice amongst there fellow peers. But the Kings now are fighting each other for wealth.Sad.
Junior Jack
I think that it is terrible that his family is fighting over cars and houses. i think that there wealth is going to ruin there family relationship. i think martin luther king was very different then his family he fought for freedom and seemed like he was not worried about possesions but worried about segregationa and freedom. they should share there fathers wealth equally.
Spencer Truong
Period 5
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