Senators Olympia Snowe, Arlen Spector, and Susan Collins were the only Republicann Senators who voted for the package; the number of Republican members of the House that voted for it: zero. Not one. Thanks for the bipartisan effort G.O.P.
What we need now, is to lean harder on the Congress (especially the Republicans) to stop using the same old tired political rhetoric about governement wasting tax dollars. (Many of these people are the same ones that blew over a trillion dollars on the Iraq War, tax cuts for the rich, and a Wall Street bailout that held almost none of the companies or executives receiving the money accountable.) Those who voted for change and for Obama need to remember that he never said that he could accomplish anthing without us. We need to be engaged - writing lettters, making phone calls - whatever it takes to make our government understand that we demand action, and demand action now.
We cannot allow conservatives to dominate the debate in this nation by carping on relatively small provisions of otherwise important legislation. All of us will have to pay for the consequences of the misguided pressure they are putting on our government.
If you didn't hear or see the President's weekly radio address, I've included it here. He closes with a nice quote from John F. Kennedy:
"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks
equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks."
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