I didn't know about this being planned, but I think student activism is really cool. Check out the article and let me know what you think about their actions and their cause.
Students leave school, join rally against war, recruiting
Students from Seattle area schools walked out of class to take to the streets on Wednesday. Fed up with the war and on-campus military recruitment, they left school at noon for a rally at Westlake Center and marched through the city streets.
Students leave school, join rally against war, recruiting
Students from Seattle area schools walked out of class to take to the streets on Wednesday. Fed up with the war and on-campus military recruitment, they left school at noon for a rally at Westlake Center and marched through the city streets.
about the student protest i think it is a good idea because having racism and war it is just to many caose.it is like we do not have world peace.without these caose and war and also racism then every one can get along just fine,but with everyone that is bussy doing stuff to annoy others or doing things that are not respectful gurantee that we are never going to have world peace.Like that saying:treat others has you want them to treat you,:respect is not a gift,you have to earn it.
Commenting about the student protest....i find it very impressive that those high schoolers took initiative to do something about what they believed in. The government gave us freedom of speech and they took advantage of that right. I agree completely with the idea that the war is wrong and should be stopped and if i had known about the protest earlier i would have found a way to be a part of it. Being that adolscents are the future leaders of america we need to take a stand know and let people know what we believe in and what we don't. Education is something that is very important and having hundreds of kids walk out on their education to stand up for a cause hopefully means something to the Bush administration that something needs to be done fast to fix this terrible mistake.
I find this really interesting. I like that these kids took it upon themselves to try and change something. In a time when fewer and fewer young adults actually go out and vote this is a nice change. I hope that the majority of these kids were out there for the right reasons. I like that these kids came out and had their opinions heard. People may think little of teenagers. Or think that teenagers only cause problems. But when so many go out and try to change something that they feel strongly about it shows what we are truly capable of. Regardless of what they are for acts like this are needed from our generation in order for us to show what we truly care about.
Looking at it now I'm actually kind of bummed I missed it...
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