Well, the decision has been made and the following stories continue:
- Is the troop surge making any difference?
- What action will the Congress take to bring an end to the American presence in Iraq?
Lots of protesters exercised their 1st Amendment rights around the country last weekend expressing their opinions on the war. What do you think about all of this? What would you like to see done now?
Some reading on this:
US public's support of Iraq war sliding faster now
House Democrats Weigh Plan for Iraq Withdrawal
Protesters Mark Fourth Anniversary of Iraq War
Some reading on this:
US public's support of Iraq war sliding faster now
House Democrats Weigh Plan for Iraq Withdrawal
Protesters Mark Fourth Anniversary of Iraq War
Bush Pleads for Patience in Iraq on War’s Anniversary
I'll try to add more links here - if you see some you like, pass them along.
I'll try to add more links here - if you see some you like, pass them along.
Hey mr. corragio, it's nick.
so i think that we should pull out of Iraq in the same manor we did in nam.little by little. there were a lot of things in this article which were kind of funny, like when the christians were arrested for praying, i do beleive hat it's protected in the contsitution is it not? and also isn't GWB christian? oh and about the mom who ismarching on his homestead well i don't meen to sound harsh, but she just needs to calm down and think before she acts, and as for the people who want to impeach Bush, I ask why? whats the point? he has a little more than a year and a half left in office, just let it be.
This is Kelly Kivlahan. commenting about the speech by bush after the war in iraq anniversary. I think that Bush went about a number of things the wrong way. Not only do i disagree with beginning an unnecessary war in the first place and allowing hundreds of Americans to be killed over seas. I even think he went about this speech the wrong way. Instead of focusing on positive aspects which you would think a president would do, he acted very pessimistic. He even said there will be good days and bad days ahead of us. And the fact that he is trying to pass a bill to spend more money on this war when im sure we have already spent more on this war then any other, being over trillions of dollars. I think he is absolutely ridiculous instead of manning up and admitting he was wrong and removing troops from iraq he plans on sending more troops over! He is crazy. I agree with what Harry Reid said in that the war "reveals a series of failures by the bush administration, failure to plan for the occupation, failure to anticipate an insurgency, failure to provide for troops and failure to level with the American people". I also agree with Russel Feingold, a democrat from wisconsin who disagreed with Bush's choices and future actions. All and all i look forward to 1/20/09 when this country can start moving forward hopefully into a more productive era.
i agree with kelly on this yet again. the troop surge and all the money that has been put into this war is pointing out the flaws in the bush administration. although i may not have a better alternative to this war, i don't think that it should still be going on. i support the troops 100% and i hope they are all well, but i don't believe that they should be over in iraq any longer. while there are good things being done i believe that it is for our best interests to leave iraq finally after these 4 agonizing years.
commenting on four years in Iraq:
i think having been in Iraq for four years now and not really accomplishing much is really stupid. we have had our chance and sent many troops over to help us over there. it is time for all the troops to come home. we need to do a quick wrap up and be done with it all. Basically being over there now is pointless, we are just killing our own troops by having them over there longer. we are also hurting there families because they have to live with that fear of their relative dying everyday. we need to stop everything, get back over here at least to regroup and should not go back until there is a better plan of action that people agree with and that we can afford.
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