Senator Barak Obama - Rising Star of the Democratic Party. Check him out in the latest edition of Newsweek. Go there to read the article or scroll down, find the "Free Video" and click "launch" to hear his great speech to the Democratic Convention in July. It will inspire you!

I'm very afraid of the way the media has built up Obama as the savior of the Democratic party. He has not done a single thing and yet the one great speech he made has already made him a "legend." He is well set up for a fall from grace.
I am glad he was one of the few Democrats that won an election to replace Republican senators. But he better watch his back to prevent sexual harrassment suits or extra-marital allegations (especially ones involving white females!!!) and voting on the opposite side of divisive issues against Republicans. Obama's true talents will be measured on how well he can withstand the backlash from the Bushies.
Good luck to him and the Salazaar bros as well as our own Maria Cantwell who will be facing re-election during mid-term.
P.S. Is Cantwell going to be running against Rossi if he doesn't successfully contest the election results? That's something to think about.
P.S.S. I'm a converted Sam Reed fan for his refusal to become Washington's Katherine Harris. I would consider voting for him if he runs for other positions as he has earned my trust in his ability to work in a non-partisan manner.
Sen. Obama also refused to vote in support of fellow Democrats and citizens from Ohio who wanted to debate the propriety of elections in Ohio. He seems like a decent enough guy, but he already missed a chance to stand up and support open and free debate about important issues.
Cato, Jr.
YEA i know, thats why hes so tight. come on.
Not too Inspired.
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