Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Vacation Almost Over!

Hello to my wonderful 12th Grade "We the People" class:

I had my first day back at work today!

IMPORTANT QUESTION: How many of you are still willing and able to meet on August 28th? I was thinking about late morning, about 10:30 am in my classroom, but only if enough people can make it.

I think it would be great for us to re-connect before the school year starts, so we can get off to a good start, but it wouldn't be worth it if only a few people can show up. Maybe Tuesday, September 2nd, the day before school starts would work better for people.

So, please rsvp as soon as possible. If you have a friend taking the class that doesn't check e-mail regularly, please call them and ask them to get back to me.
I'm really tired tonight, but maybe I'll try to make a few phone calls tomorrow to see what is up with folks.

Other reminders:


ALSO - Read as much of the new textbook as you can. We will go through it about one lesson per night during the school year, so if you can read some of it before hand, I think that will make it easier for during the school year.

OH YEAH! --- About a month ago I tried to make up competition groups. I worked pretty hard on it, but wasn't happy with the results. I think I can do a much better job once I know who is definately in the class and get some more info from some of the students I didn't have in the 11th Grade class. I hope this works for all of you.

OH YEAH!!!!! - The Democratic National Convention is this week. The Republican National Convention is next week. Michelle Obama gave a really touching speech about Barack, her family, and the country tonight. (At least in my opinion, but I'm kinda partial to the Obamas! ) Check it out on a TV replay or on the net if you didn't get a chance to see it. Her big brother Craig, the Men's Basketball Coach at University of Oregon, gave her an introduction and the little girls were on the stage after the speech. They are very cute and sweet little kids. John McCain is going to be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight.

I hate for summer to be over, but I can't wait to start working with my 12th Grade WTP class!!!!
BTW, people can leave messages on my school phone if e-mail doesn't work for them.

PASTA la vista,
Mr. Coraggio

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friday, August 01, 2008

Washington Supreme Court says privacy trumps identifying teacher in cases of unsubstantiated sexual misconduct | Seattle Times Newspaper

This case is one people will be one on which many people will have strong opinions. However, it should be noted by students that this is a very interesting example of the clash between the goals of protecting individual rights (in this case the teachers) from society's need to promote the general welfare (identifying and punishing sex offenders).

As a teacher, this makes me breathe a little easier. We teachers all live with a fear that someday a false accusation could end our teaching career - an occupational hazard of the modern day. I think it is a good and reasonable decision. To reverse this decision would raise havoc in our schools - students would know they could ruin a teacher by simply lying about his or her behavior.

I understand the argument on the other side, and I'm sure if I or a love one had been abused, I would want no stone unturned in prosecuting the criminal. However, I think if people looked objectively at the potential consequences they would understand why a majority of our State Supreme Court ruled in favor of protecting the identities of the accused.

Washington Supreme Court says privacy trumps identifying teacher in cases of unsubstantiated sexual misconduct Seattle Times Newspaper