Friday, February 29, 2008
A Whole Lot of Americans are in Jail
What does this say about our nation. Read some of the details involving the ratios of minorities and drug offenders being incarcerated, and think about the costs of building and running prisons. Are we going about something the wrong way here?
I've got some opinions on this, but I'll leave it to you for now.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Around our World

Good news came out of Kenya today. There hasn't been much good news out of Kenya in the past few months. A contested election for President split Kenyan society along ethnic lines and riots, killings, and all manner of violence ensued. The two main rivals, President Mwai Kibaki (who won the allegedly rigged election) and Raila Odinga finally agreed to allow former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan broker a negotiation to help heal the nation. Today, they announced a breakthrough. I sincerely hope that Kenya, which has been a leading African nation, will not see any more of this violence, but it is asking alot of these politicians to put aside their egos and ambitions for the good of their country.
Not many nations are lucky enough to have a George Washington (or a Thomas Jefferson, or John Adams for that matter) that put the good of the country ahead of their own desire for power.
Read about Kenya here:
Kenya Rivals Reach Peace Agreement
NAIROBI, Kenya — Kenya’s rival leaders broke their tense standoff on Thursday, agreeing to share power in a deal that may end the violence that has engulfed this nation but could be the beginning of a long and difficult political relationship. (more)
In a development that creates problems for everyone except the government of Turkey and it's supporters, the Turkish military sent forces into northern Iraq, allegedly to root out members of the PKK, a Kurdish rebel movement that wants the Kurds in northern Iraq and eastern Turkey to unite into an independent nation called Kurdistan. Read a good background article about this conflict from the BBC. To read about how this action has put the U.S. government in an uncomfortable position, read this from the New York Times.
Kosovo declared independence last week. These aren't exact quotes, but basically, the U.S. said, "Congratulations!", the British government said "Hurray for you guys!", but the government of Serbia said "Tell it to the hand, cuz the face ain't listenin!" Read about it: Kosovo's independence weathers its first week. According to the article, "Serbia said it was hunting down rioters who torched the US Embassy in Belgrade Thursday as 120,000 protested the province's newly declared statehood." There are some amazing pictures of the anti-U.S. riots in Serbia, where many are still angry at the U.S. for leading a NATO military intervention in the late 1990's to protect ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo.
More on the Second Amendment and Guns

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.Read the story and tell me if it changes your interpretation of what the Second Amendment means.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
the democratic debate
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Debate Tonight!
It should be very interesting, because the last time they debated Hillary was the front-runner and ahead in the delegate count.
Now, the situation is reversed. Obama has a lead in both the number of states he has won and the number of delegates pledged to him. Texas and Ohio are two states with lots of delegates that are having primaries/caucuses on March 4th.
Most of the political commentators will say that while Obama is a much more inspiring orator, Clinton outshines him in the debate format, showing the depth of her knowledge on the issues. So, if you are watching, who do you think won, and why? Who was more convincing? Whose position on the issues did you agree with the most?
Another thing to think about - since time is running out on Clinton to gain ground on Obama, will she choose to go on the offensive and attack Obama with negative comments? If she does, how intense will the fireworks get?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Time to get real about guns, 2nd Amendment
Well, it has happened again - another college campus shooting. This time in Illinois with 15 victims according to a breaking news story. (More recent news has reported 6 deaths after campus rampage. You can watch a quick clip summarizing the tragedy here.)
It is time for this country to start talking sensibly about gun violence and gun control. The Brady Bill, which used to mandate a five day waiting period (so a background check could be done on purchasers) to buy a gun was allowed to expire. The gun debate in this country is moving us backward. In 2004, the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire, and the National Rifle Association and other gun enthusiasts continually work to block sensible gun control proposals by arguing that they are a violation of their constitutional rights.
It is time for a discussion about gun rights in this country in which both sides are willing to admit that gun violence is seriously out of control in many parts of the country. I believe that hunters and gun collectors can still enjoy their recreation and hobbies, while we make it harder for dangerous or unstable people to get guns.
The Second Amendment should not be seen as banning common sense gun control laws. The rights of free expression protected by the First Amendment are not absolute rights, and there are restrictions on what we can say or publish if the expression would cause a "clear and present danger". Our free expression can also be limited by reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions.
So why should the NRA oppose laws that could greatly benefit law enforcement and do more to keep guns out of the hands of people who are dangerous or unstable? Might it inconvenience some hunter that wants to go on a last minute hunting trip. Yup, but that is life. We all have to deal with certain restrictions. I don't hunt, but I do play the guitar. I can't turn my amplifier all the way up and practice with some buddies at two o'clock in the morning. We all have to deal with inconveniences, so why won't more politicians insist that gun owners understand that they live in a society in which we all have to give up a little freedom for the common good.
They mayor of Chicago is trying to do that, but few people think he will get much passed - and he lives in the state that just witnessed these shootings!
Not every tragedy can be prevented, and the shooter at the Northern Illinois University purchased his guns legally, but the incident is still a reminder that we can do a lot more to prevent gun violence.
People who love guns and people who want to stop senseless murders ought to be able to agree that some restrictions are entirely appropriate. (To watch a short news segment on the gun control, click here.)
Monday, February 11, 2008
Following Election Returns in Primaries & Caucuses
If you are still undecided (or even if you have decided), check out the websites of McCain, Huckabee, Clinton, Obama, or Ron Paul.
There are a few good sites out there for those of you interested in looking at the numbers of primary and caucus elections. National Public Radio has a nice interactive map you can find here. The New York Times has an election guide you can check out here.
The Washington Post has a Political Toolbox that can give you lots of info on the candidates and the races.
Finally, youtube has some coverage of the visits the candidates made to Seattle:
McCain -
Clinton -
Obama -
Check out some of these or other good political sites and let me know what you think.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Why I am supporting Barack Obama
I think Hillary Clinton would be a good president. I have been wishing for decades that this nation would break through the mother of all glass ceilings and elect a woman President. So, if Hillary wins the nomination, I will campaign for her and enthusiastically vote for her.
However, while Hillary might be good, I think Barack Obama has the potential for greatness. I think he has qualities and a background that are unique and make him especially qualified to undue a lot of the damage done to this country in the last several years, and move us forward in a new direction.
Barack is intelligent, and a skilled and inspiring communicator. Ever since Simon and Garfunkel sang "Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?/A nation turns it's lonely eyes to you" in the late 1960's, we have longed for a leader that would inspire the younger generation to believe that together we can make a great nation and world together.
(And no, Ronald Reagan did NOT inspire the young generations in the 1980's - he reached out to older Democrats that thought the Democratic party had lost it's way.)
Barack is the only candidate who can step into the mess we have made of the world and convincingly say to other nations, "We Americans made a mistake by invading Iraq. We got carried away with fear after 9/11, and were looking for enemies under every rock. Our vision was clouded, but we are now seeing with new eyes and will be a more responsible leader of nations in the future." Hillary cannot make that argument effectively. She did support the war for too long. Bill Clinton's foreign policy got it wrong in a number of places as well. The world might be impressed that we elected a woman, (and one who wants to end the war in Iraq), but they will still look at America as many around the world do: as a bumbling, arrogant, and selfish super-power.
Barack Obama is uniquely positioned to speak to many of the things that divide us; especially race and income disparity. America is yearning to get over the legacy of racism and discrimination. We are tired of living in a nation that is so wealthy but is willing to let so many go without proper health care. The rates of homelessness and poverty are a disgrace to all of us. I think that Barack is one of the few politicians that can convincingly reach out to blacks, whites, Latinos, Asians, rich, poor, and middle class and bring them together to work on our common goals of solving these problems.
Barack has had enough experience in the political arena to handle the presidency. If you don't believe me, look at the backgrounds of other presidents in our history. Decades of experience in politics does not guarantee a successul president. Just start with Lincoln's resume.
In 2008, America is looking for a new path, a new direction, and yes, someone to inspire the youth of this nation the way John F. Kennedy did in the early 1960's. I believe Barack Obama has the necessary qualities to become that great leader, and I encourage you to support him.